
A custom ear surgery in Austin can resolve this cosmetic problem by pinning prominent ears back against the head to achieve a more ideal facial balance. This surgery may be performed on children or adults.

What is ear surgery?

Ear surgery, or in medical terms, “otoplasty,” is a procedure to correct ear shape issues. The various ear structure problems that can be corrected include:

  • Overly large ears (macrotia)
  • Protruding ears
  • Unevenly sized ears
  • Ear structure damaged by an accident or trauma
  • Shell-shaped ears
  • Misshapen ears
  • Ear missing the natural fold
  • Overly large earlobes

What is ear surgery like?

Ear surgery in Austin is not a long procedure in most cases. Ear reconstruction will require more time, but generally, the surgery requires one to two hours. You will be resting comfortably during the procedure and will not feel any pain, as anesthesia will be administered. Once completed, your ears will be bandaged to hold them in place and protect the stitches. Adults generally need only local anesthesia with intravenous sedation, while younger children usually undergo the surgery with general anesthesia. A child must be at least five years old in most cases.

beautiful woman bringing hair back to reveal right ear

Who makes an ideal candidate for otoplasty?

Otoplasty is performed to help refine and reshape the ears to be more proportionate to the rest of the features. The surgery can be performed on children as young as 5 years old to help them feel better about the way they look, as long as the ears have finished growing. 

It’s important for anyone pursuing cosmetic surgery to be mentally and physically healthy enough for an invasive procedure. They should be non-smokers, have realistic expectations for their results, and be willing to follow the doctor’s instructions before and after surgery.

The procedure: Reshaping your ears

The first step is placing an incision behind your ear. Through this incision, the amount of ear cartilage is reduced or pulled back with sutures to create the ideal level of projection. More complex problems, such as a lack of ear fold that creates a curved, shell-shaped ear, or ears that have a top fold that bends over, or an exceptionally small ear (cupped ear) will require more time to correct. Ear reconstruction requires knowledge and finesse, and at Face Austin, you will be under the care of one of Austin’s most qualified, experienced facial plastic surgeons, who is trained in advanced facial reconstruction techniques.

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What is the recovery time for ear surgery?

The recovery time is not long or exceptionally painful, although you may feel aching or throbbing, which can be alleviated with pain medication. After a few days, the bandages will be removed and replaced. You will need to continue to wear the surgical dressing for about one week. Some stitches will be internal and dissolve naturally, while the stitches on the surface will be removed in about a week.

During your recovery, you must sleep on your back and avoid any contact or impact on your reshaped ears. You should be able to return to work or other activities in about a week. Any incision scars will be virtually invisible behind your ears and will fade away with time.

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Why choose Face Austin for ear surgery?

You have a choice of plastic surgeons but choosing a facial specialist makes a difference in the outcome. Dr. Antunes is an exceptionally caring doctor who has an extraordinary level of education and experience. He is double board-certified, with certifications both as a facial and reconstructive surgeon and face and neck specialist (otolaryngology). His vast experience in facelifts and ear reconstruction and his warm, caring manner makes the process of creating a more attractive look to your ears positive and rewarding.

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Your custom ear surgery in Austin

Precision ear surgery can be life-changing. You will not have to worry about trying to cover your ears with your hair or feel embarrassed about your ears. The first step is a private consultation, in which your ears will be evaluated, and we will discuss your concerns and questions. At Face Austin, we focus on ensuring our Austin otoplasty patients are thrilled with their results and we are proud of our reputation as being the premier facial plastic surgery center in Austin.

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