
What is a Mini Facelift?

A mini facelift is a less invasive cosmetic procedure that targets signs of aging in the lower face and neck. It's suitable for mild to moderate facial sagging, focusing on areas such as the jowls and upper neck. While it provides subtle rejuvenation, it's important to have realistic expectations as it doesn't halt the aging process. Consulting with a double-board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Antunes can help determine if it aligns with your aesthetic goals.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Mini Facelift?

Determining whether you are a suitable candidate for a mini facelift in Austin involves evaluating various factors related to your health, skin condition, and aesthetic goals. Consider the following:

  • Typically, candidates are in their 40s to 50s
  • Regarding skin laxity, mild to moderate sagging of the skin is present, especially around the cheeks and jowls
  • Candidates are in good general health with no conditions that impair healing
  • Smoking can hinder healing and increase the risk of complications
Dr. Antunes examining the patients face

How is a Mini Facelift Different From a Traditional Facelift?

A mini facelift targets the lower third of your face, primarily focusing on the jawline and neck. In contrast, a traditional facelift, also known as a full facelift, addresses more extensive signs of aging.

Here are some other key differences between the mini facelift and the traditional:

Incision Length

Mini Facelift: Shorter incisions typically start at the hairline above your ear and wrap around the front of your ear.

Traditional Facelift: Incisions begin in the hairline at your temples, continue down and around your ears, and may extend to the lower scalp.

Recovery Time

Mini Facelift: You may recover in about one to two weeks.

Traditional Facelift: Expect a recovery period of several weeks to a month.

Extent of Correction

Mini Facelift: Ideal for mild to moderate sagging.

Traditional Facelift: Suited for more advanced aging signs and skin laxity.


Duration: Both procedures offer long-lasting improvements, but the effects of a traditional facelift may endure longer due to the comprehensive nature of the surgery.

Aging: When deciding which procedure is right for you, consider the extent of the aging effects you wish to address and your availability for a longer recovery period.

What Are the Benefits of a Mini Facelift?

A mini facelift offers several advantages, particularly when you're seeking subtle rejuvenation with less downtime. For example:

  • Quicker Recovery: A mini facelift requires less recovery time than a traditional one, meaning you can return to your normal activities sooner.
  • Natural-Looking Results: The procedure targets sagging skin and wrinkles, providing a more youthful and refreshed appearance without overcorrection.
  • Reduced Scarring: Incisions are minimal and are typically well-concealed within the hairline or natural contours of the ear.
  • Tailored to Your Needs: The mini facelift is highly customizable, addressing specific areas that concern you most.

    • Outpatient Procedure: It's usually performed on an outpatient basis, which means no extended hospital stay is necessary.
    • Lower Risk: With smaller incisions and less manipulation of tissues, you experience a reduced risk of complications and side effects.
    • Cost-Effective: Since it's less involved than a full facelift, a mini facelift is often more affordable, making it an economically sensible option for facial rejuvenation.

    By enhancing your features with a mini facelift, you can achieve subtle yet significant improvements, boosting your confidence and appearance.

    Am I a Good Candidate for a Mini Facelift?

    Determining whether you are a suitable candidate for a mini facelift in Austin involves evaluating various factors related to your health, skin condition, and aesthetic goals. Consider the following:

    • Typically, candidates are in their 40s to 50s
    • Regarding skin laxity, mild to moderate sagging of the skin is present, especially around the cheeks and jowls
    • Candidates are in good general health with no conditions that impair healing
    • Smoking can hinder healing and increase the risk of complications
    woman looking up

    What to Expect Before, During, and After Your Mini Facelift

    Consultation with Dr. Marcelo Antunes

    Before your mini facelift, you will consult with Dr. Marcelo Antunes to discuss your aesthetic goals and evaluate your suitability for the procedure. Important topics to cover include the following:
    Medical history: Share any past or present medical conditions, medications, and allergies.
    Expectations: Clarify what you hope to achieve, and listen to Dr. Antunes' professional assessment.


    During a mini facelift, which typically takes about two to three hours, you will receive local anesthesia with or without sedation to ensure comfort. Small, discreet incisions are made around the hairline and ears. Excess skin is removed, and underlying tissue is lifted and repositioned. Facial fat may be redistributed, and liposuction might be used to address double chin or upper neck fat.


    After a mini facelift, your recovery process will generally involve:

    • Downtime: Plan for one to two weeks off work or social activities.
    • Swelling and Bruising: Expect mild to moderate swelling and bruising, which will subside gradually.
    • Postoperative Care: Follow Dr. Antunes' instructions regarding wound care, medication, and follow-up visits.

    Remember to arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure and assist you for at least the first 24 hours.

    Why Choose Face Austin and Dr. Marcelo Antunes for a Mini Facelift?

    Dr. Marcelo Antunes, our double board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Austin, TX, has specialized in facelift procedures with years of additional education and experience.

    At Face Austin, the focus on facial aesthetics exclusively ensures that your procedure benefits from a depth of specialization. Natural-looking results and patient safety are the cornerstones of Dr. Antunes’ practice.

    Choosing Face Austin and Dr. Antunes means opting for personalized care that aligns with your vision for rejuvenation. To experience the difference a specialized approach has on your mini facelift in Austin, book your consultation today and take the first step towards a refreshed and youthful appearance.

    Face Austin

    Mini Facelift FAQs

    What results can I expect from a mini facelift?

    A mini facelift can provide noticeable improvement in the appearance of sagging skin, jowls, and jawline definition. While the results are not as dramatic as those of a traditional facelift, patients can expect a firmer, more youthful-looking lower face and neck with natural-looking results. The degree of improvement may vary depending on individual anatomy and the extent of correction needed.

    How long does recovery take after a mini facelift?

    Recovery time after a mini facelift is typically shorter than a traditional one, with most patients returning to normal activities within one to two weeks. Initially, there may be some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication and proper post-operative care. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities and follow their surgeon's instructions for optimal healing.

    Are there any risks or complications associated with a mini facelift?

    A mini facelift carries some risks and potential complications, although relatively rare, like any surgical procedure. These may include infection, bleeding, hematoma, scarring, asymmetry, nerve injury, and anesthesia-related risks. However, choosing a qualified and experienced facial plastic surgeon can minimize these risks and ensure a safe and successful outcome.

    How long do the results of a mini facelift last?

    While the longevity of results may vary from person to person, the effects of a mini facelift typically last several years. Genetics, lifestyle habits, and the natural aging process can influence the duration of results. However, patients can prolong the effects of their mini facelift by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, protecting their skin from sun damage, and following a proper skincare regimen.

    Can other procedures be combined with a mini facelift for enhanced results?

    Yes, a mini facelift can be combined with other complementary procedures to achieve more comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Common adjunct procedures may include eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), brow lift, neck lift, fat transfer, and non-surgical treatments like dermal fillers or BOTOX.

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